What You Can Do
Are you a… consumer or food business?
Every action can go a long way in supporting our local farmers. With our local farms building greater capability and capacity, they will need the corresponding consumer and commercial demand for their produce.
The next time you’re shopping for groceries, look out for the bright red SG Fresh Produce badges which indicate that the produce was grown locally by our farmers or from local farms with certification for quality assurance or sustainable schemes.

You can also look out for the Farm-to-Table (FTT) Recognition Programme logo. Launched in March 2023, the FTT Recognition Programme encourages the Hotel, Restaurants and Catering (HoReCa) sector to use locally farmed produce in their menus. It recognises HoReCa businesses that procure at least 15 per cent of their fresh produce ingredients in procurement value from local farms which produce hen shell eggs, leafy vegetable, beansprouts or fish.

The FTT Recognition Programme logo is a mark of assurance and HoReCa businesses can use it to display their commitment to use local produce and boost our nation's food security. Food businesses can find out more about the FTT Recognition Programme and how to apply here.
Why support local?

Find out how you can get your hands on fresh, locally farmed eggs, leafy greens, fish and more here.
Are you... interested in an agri-food career?
As the agri-food sector transforms towards the use of more productive, innovative and resource efficient technologies, there will be new and growing demand for specialists in agri- and aquaculture who are skilled in science, engineering, and info-communications, including genetics, automation and internet of things.
To develop a skilled agri-food workforce, SFA collaborates with Institutes of Higher Learning and industry players to implement training programmes for students and adult learners to prepare them for an exciting agri-food career.
In 2022, SFA partnered Workforce Singapore and Republic Polytechnic (RP) to launch the Career Conversion Programme for the Agri-tech Sector to equip mid-career professionals with the relevant knowledge and skills to join the industry as an Agri-tech Specialist or Agri-tech Operator. RP has also broadened the scope of its Diploma in Biotechnology, a Pre-Employment Training programme, to include a new specialisation track in Food and Agrotechnology.
From April 2023, the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) will offer a Work-Study Diploma in Agriculture & Aquaculture Technology. The Diploma will equip in-service employees and fresh ITE Nitec and Higher Nitec graduates with engineering skills to operate high-tech agriculture and aquaculture systems, and with knowledge for food crops cultivation and fish farm management.
Come join this exciting sector and contribute to Singapore’s food security!